Tag Archives: atom
Will Science Find God?

Will Science find God? The Dohgon say no because not only does the God of popular religion not exist, Scientific theories about the formation of the Universe are all wrong.
There is a cliche saying in Science that states that you can’t really discover something unless you are looking for it. With that adage in mind, Scientists must first formulate a theory before engaging in research to prove their theories correct. One famous hypothesis that Scientists depend on is the theory that the universe was created by a Big Bang. The author of that Big Bang, they say, was a particle of matter so small and powerful that it can only be referred to as the “God Particle”.
Decades ago, before setting out to discover the “God Particle”, Scientists first theorized that the Universe was created out of a Big Bang in which highly compressed gas reached a critical mass and exploded. The event set off a perpetual expansion of all Matter away from a center point. Heavy Gasses cooled to form Stars, Planets, Moons, and Dust while lighter Gases float around. The Big Bang theory depends on several supporting theories, the most famous of which is the belief that Matter cannot be created or destroyed.
That would mean that everything in the universe today has always been here, only in different forms. For instance, the simplest and lightest Element we know of is Hydrogen Gas. It consists of 1 Electron and 1 Proton and it makes up approximately 75% of the Universe while heavier Elements make up less of the Universe as their weight increases. Depending on this supporting evidence, Physicists are convinced that the Big Bang theory is correct and that Dark Matter exists. Dark Matter is invisible because in theory, empty Space cannot exist.
In the 1940s when the Military began to seek more destructive weapons than those that combined reactive elements together, they turned to splitting Atoms. Soon they developed the Nuclear bomb, which involved splitting Hydrogen Atoms. These were the bombs they dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan instantly killing millions of Japanese people.
In the decade following WW2, many nations competed to develop Nuclear weapons. Fearing impending nuclear catastrophe, a group of European nuclear physicists convinced the United Nations to form a coalition that would explore positive uses for Nuclear technology. They named this co-operation CARN and embarked on a new mission to find Higgs Boson particles. Higgs Boson particles are theorized to be the glue that holds the particles of an Atom together.
To physicists, Higgs Boson particles are the God Particles of creation. They theorize that if they could find this particle it could open the box to the secrets of the universe. Critics however, fear that scientists could be tampering with Pandora’s box instead. CERN scientist ignored the warnings, built an enormous Hadron particle accelerator, and spent over 50 years smashing Hadron particles against each other in hopes of seeing a God Particle.
In 2012 CERN scientists announced that they had finally proven the existence of Higgs Boson particles. Unfortunately, they didn’t learn any new secrets about the universe. They didn’t become God-like, able to create matter at will. They also didn’t prove the theory of a Big Bang or the existence of Dark Matter. All they discovered was that the process of discovery is often more exciting than the find. HERUInterface.com