Tag Archives: arsenal
Woke Mind Virus vs the Life Entity

Woke Mind Virus vs the Life Entity; what are they and why are they clashing?
Years ago, a friend asked me why I wasn’t concerned or panicked about increasing social upheaval in America. White Supremacist Ideology driven politicians along with religious fundamentalist extremists are waging a war against Humanism and Science. I say they’re all blind on both sides; therefore, my answer was the same as it is now. I couldn’t give a crap.
The reason why I couldn’t give a crap about the political crisis in America is because, unlike most people in the world, I recognize that there is a Life Entity. Furthermore, I recognize that social and political issues have remained the same for the entire duration of my life, which is almost sixty years. The only reason why people my age are now expressing concern is because of human nature, which I cannot fault people for.
From the 1960s up to the 1990s a Cold War existed in the world in which the United States and the Soviet Union (Russia) built and stockped enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world 100 times over. There were even a few incidents in which the red button was almost pushed by both sides. The reason why I didn’t care about dying from nuclear war then was because I was too pre-occupied with facilitating personal happiness.
Today, I should feel the same as most of my peers because time has graduated us all from the pursuit of personal happiness to a more conscientious point of view, which is a concern for our children and people we care about. So, to explain why I’m not panicked, I will explain my perception of reality starting with the Life Entity then the Woke Mind Virus, the term coined by the world’s richest sanity resistor, Elon Musk.
Inspired by Dohgon Spirituality, I was able to create my own Spiritual belief system, which recognizes that reality is the construct of a Great Spirit. The Great Spirit is not the God of man because God as described by man is limited to man’s own Desires for many things, the most important of which is eternal life. Furthermore, I’ve even heard spiritualists and religious people explaining that the most important thing in reality is Love. No, it isn’t; the most important thing in reality is Conscience. But I digress.
Getting back to the topic at hand, the Great Spirit is the true creator of Life and the universe. Since the Great Spirit is pure abstract energy, it created Life in order to experience physical reality. It also created humans as one of the most intellectually capable lifeforms, of which there are many, in the universe. Intelligent beings experience physical reality as an infinite exercise; however, our parameters as intelligent beings is limited so that the collective intelligence of Life cannot become confused into believing that it is the source (Great Spirit).
The most important aspect of reality that one should recognize is that individual consciousnesses always grow to develop a collective awareness or single conscious abstract entity. For example; evil thoughts and actions have developed a Devil entity, religious idealism has developed a God entity, and the will to live given one’s abnormalities and defects has developed a Humanism entity. Actually, the entirety of Human activity falls under the umbrella of Humanism. We all act according to our wants and desires, whether religious or otherwise as a form of self-preservation that unknowingly feeds the prerogative of the Life Entity to gain universal awareness.
So, if you didn’t get it yet; Life is a single conscious entity. It is the collective intelligence of every living thing on Earth including humans, who are Life’s most useful tools. Humans gather information for Life through Life’s manipulations of the Human Desire Mechanism and as a reward, Life provides Humans with happiness. Elon Musk was once asked in an interview why he has dis-owned his transgender son and his answer shocked them. His reply was that he disavowed his transgender son because his son had become infected by the Woke Mind Virus.
Since there is no such thing as a Woke Mind Virus or medical condition associated with it, I will explain what he means but first you should know that Transgenderism like all other abnormalities under the LGBTQ umbrella is protected by the Humanism Entity. No problem there and no offense for the “abnormal” labelling. Life doesn’t care what the result of human ignorance produces. Just like all so-called “normal” people, life will take us in any direction we want to go until death exhausts us.
In recent years, Sanity Resistance white supremacists have hijacked the term “Woke,” which was once a term of endearment to the Black American community. First coined during the period after Slavery in America, Black Americans would remind each other not to let down their guard to the dangers they face from white supremacists and sellout Blacks by telling each other to “stay woke.” Since white supremacists believe that they are poking spikes in the eyes of Black people, when they attack the term “Woke,” they’ve gone all out to use it in every which way they can.
So, when Elon Musk uses a made-up disease to excuse that fact that he struggles with Sanity and would rather rely on corrupt ideology, he is really acting according to the will of the Devil entity to fight against the Humanism Entity. The Life Entity also doesn’t care about the inconsequential disputes that humans engage in. The only thing that the Life Entity cares about is the human mind straying away from Desire. Therefore, it uses most of it’s resources to keep humans on a Desire infused Ideological path away from a Conscience influenced Ethical path.
New Book: Quantum Interface

New Book: Quantum Interface
Quantum Interface is an Afro-Futuristic Tale Infused with Eroticism and Adventure.
The year is 2057 and humanity has refocused its priorities after narrowly avoiding an existential crisis brought on by autonomous AI nearly 20 years earlier. Life is as normal as it could be considering the fact that bio-engineered viruses and psychological disruption devices were the new tools of criminals and hostile governments.
Ian Phillips is a tech genius who created his own AI entity before a global ban on autonomous AI was implemented in the year 2040. Fortunately, he was able to secure an exemption to continue using his AI as a form of augmented intelligence and security system. A few years later, his AI, which he named Quantum Entanglement Augmented Intelligence, or QEAI for short, assisted him in creating a Quantum Entanglement device, known as a “Tangler.”
Frustrated that his organic Tangler invention was being blocked by government regulators, he decides to run a global competition to try to force their hands. Unfortunately, it has re-awakened the centuries old conflict between Japan and China and their allies. He returns home from the month-long developer wrap-up competition in Japan that involved the final competitors, only to discover that he has a severe case of amnesia.
His life plunges into major turmoil that threatens his life and the lives of his two wives. So, while struggling to regain his memories, he now has to ward off attacks from the agents of hostile governments, scrutiny from his own country’s intelligence agents, and manage his AI so that it doesn’t destroy the world if anything happens to him.
He welcomes the possibility of a breakthrough in the development of a human Tangler machine but dreads the thought that he might have escalated the possibility of an all-out war between the world’s superpowers. Even worse, he is anxious that his actions may result in the confiscation of his AI, the shutting down of his trillion-dollar company, Quantum Interface, and damage the stability of his family.
Buy now on Kindle
Oppenheimer Movie Celebrates the Use of Evil to Achieve Good

“Oppenheimer” is the title of a new Hollywood movie about the man who created the nuclear bomb. Like all similar biographical movies, it will attempt to give a psycho-analysis of a person who created something evil in hopes that people will overlook the evil and develop an appreciation for the good that resulted from that evil. Don’t be fooled because the only thing the movie will teach is that the unethical ones have never and will never change since creating the Devil of their religions because they foolishly believe that evil can be used as a tool to achieve good.
J Robert Oppenheimer was an American theoretical physicist and professor of physics at the University of California, Berkeley. He is often called the “father of the atomic bomb” for his role in the Manhattan Project, the World War II project that developed the first nuclear weapons. His evil invention was then used to vaporize 2 million people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. Following WW2, Oppenheimer was said to have a change of heart about the evil he created and worked to oppose further nuclear weapons developments in the world up until his death in the 1970s.
The general consensus among the majority of Americans up until this day is that the dropping of the nuclear bombs on Japan was a “necessary evil” that served multiple purposes. It marked the end of World War II and the beginning of a new era of peace and stability in the world. The bombings also led to the development of the United Nations and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which have helped to prevent the use of nuclear weapons in the decades since. Additionally, the bombings helped to bring about a new era of international cooperation and understanding, as well as the development of nuclear energy as a source of power.
Evil can never create good, just like fear can never bring about comfort. Unfortunately, humans have always defaulted to the unethical side of our nature; some quicker and more extreme than others. I call sanity resistors the unethical ones because they employ all their brain power on developing tools for killing then when their conscience somehow overrides their unethical ideologies about life, they seek atonement. I have no plans to see the Oppenheimer movie but I have no doubt about what the theme of the movie will be. First it will justify the necessary evil of creating and using the atomic bomb then it will hail Oppenheimer as a noble and caring man.
So, what was the alternative to ending the war if it wasn’t a show of brute force, you might ask and don’t it always seem that people like myself always come up with petty grievances after the fact instead of being glad to be alive? There was no alternative at that point of the conflict that unethical people like Oppenheimer created but my argument is not about the obvious, which is that some humans are extremely territorial and possessive. My argument is that most territorial and possessive people belong to a similar race of people.
World history reveals that, aside from the Mongols of East Asia, no race of people on the planet crave conquest more than Caucasians. They translate evil into good like buying Carbon credits by saying conflict, hardship, and unnecessary crisis fuels human development. I would say that you can have this hell that you’ve created but I know better. I know that the harder you make it, it’s the greater the challenge for ethical people to make this world a better place but we’re up for the challenge.