Tag Archives: afrakans
Aliens vs White Supremacists
Aliens vs White Supremacists. Follow the deception.
The topic of Aliens is so hot right now that even major news organizations such as CNN, MSNBC, and the BBC have abandoned their protocols of not reporting on unsubstantiated news and have all featured several reports of UAPs (Unidentified Arial Phenomenon) as the military has classified them.
Unfortunately, the military is not willing to classify UAPs as Aliens and there is a very good reason why. The military will not elaborate on UAPs because the topic of Alien presence on Earth is actively being suppressed due to the fact that white supremacists cannot handle the idea of not remaining the apex predators on Earth.
Their tactic so far has been to hide the truth about Aliens using conspiracies and misinformation while at the same time actively trying to negotiate an alliance with the Aliens. The only problem is that Aliens are not really interested in territorial conquest, Gold, or the natural resources of Earth as white supremacist’s limited perceptions of reality suggests.
We know that there are intelligent lifeforms in the greater Universe and that most of them are ethical. That is because the Great Spirit that is the Universe has ensured that interplanetary travel can only be achieved when a species learns how to elevate their consciousness above their dependence on inequity.
In the mean time, our increased sightings of UAPs is simply a form of intervention on the part of Aliens instead of a threat. White supremacists will never accept this reality so we will have to continue putting up with misinformation about Aliens from our military leaders. Some are already classifying Aliens as intergalactic demon pedophiles like themselves.
Don’t believe the deception because if Aliens are as evil as white supremacists there are millions of ways that they could exterminate humanity without us even knowing it. They could use diseases, natural disasters, or even an Asteroid to smash the Earth out of its orbit.
They could even stoke conflict between nuclear armed nations so that it will trigger a nuclear war. It would set technology on Earth back 100 years disabling humanity from defending against an Alien attack.
The truth is that just like we as Black people aren’t ready to engage the apex predator, the apex predator is not ready to engage the Aliens but instead of pursuing more ethical solutions to humanity’s problems, white supremacists are too arrogant to think differently.
Don’t be afraid of their lies about Aliens and their false pretenses to care for everyone’s safety. All they care about is their position of power and how they will lose it if they admit to everyone that Aliens are real.
Moors Not Black Or AfRAkan
The Moors say that they are neither Black or AfRAkan.
The Pan-Afrakan Diaspora consists of several religious and cultural groups. The main groups are Christians, Muslims, Hebrew Israelites, Moors, and Spiritual Agnostics. Some groups acknowledge their AfRAkan ancestry and some don’t. Those who choose to deny their AfRAkan ancestry either do so due for religious blindness, for monetary gain, or through plain ignorance of Life. The Moors are the one group who deny their AfRAkan ancestry for all three reasons.
The Moors believe that they are not bound by country, continent, or race. Instead, they say they are indigenous to the entire world having inhabited the planet since all landmasses were one some 150 million years ago. There’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, we wish all humans would think that we are all one people as part of the Life entity. Unfortunately the Moors are being hypocritical because today they would rather enter into a pact with world powers and live by systems based on Gods, kingdoms, and money rather than recognize the greater order of existence.
The mission of the Moors is to establish themselves as placeholders among the world elite. In order to achieve their goal, they must first prove their worth to those who now control organized religion as well as military and economic power in the world. Furthermore, they must prove that they are neither Black or AfRakan but are members of a non-extinguished Moroccan empire. The Moors believe that most Black American slaves were no more than prisoners of war while others were aboriginals along with the indigenous tribes of North and South America.
Historically, the term Moor refers to a loose-nit, non-racial group of people based in Morocco, North Afraka during the Middle Ages. Originally Arabs from Turkey and the Middle East, the group diversified racially as they conquered Afrakan and European territory to grow into a formidable empire. Their biggest conquests were in Portugal and Spain, which they inhabited and ruled for hundreds of years. Eventually the Moors were beaten back into North Afraka where they slowly faded in power and influence.
During the Middle Ages, the Moors were well respected for their geographical knowledge and navigational abilities. Early European explorers sought their help in all their endeavors into Afraka and on the High Seas. During the slave trade in which Afrakans were captured and brought in chains to North and South America, the Moors were known to have immunity from slavery. Some historians even believe they actually participated and were financially rewarded for their work in capturing Sub-Saharan Afrakans for their European partners.
Proof of Moorish treachery occurred in Jamaica, West Indies, where as part of a war truce, large groups of runaway slaves known as Maroons made agreements with the British to capture and return other runaway slaves to the plantations. As reward, the British labeled them Moors and gave them their own land. Fortunately, there were more ethical Maroons who refused the British treaties and kept the figh going against both the Moors and the British.
The Moors of today channel their beliefs from Nobel Drew Ali, a Black American Muslim who established the Moorish Science Temple of America in Chicago in 1914. Nobel Drew Ali was thought by his father, a Moroccan immigrant, that all African Americans were Moors who belonged to the Moroccan empire and by simply claiming themselves to be Moors, they would automatically gain Moroccan citizenship and posess all the rights of the Moroccan Empire.
Credit the Moors for gaining and revealing hidden insights into the inner workings of the system of corporations known as countries that have been governing world affairs since the turn of the 19th century. Just know that systems created by men based on Desire and Ignorance are all destined to fail. Petitioning the unethical to get a seat at their table just means that you want into their wicked and unethical systems that praise Gods, Kings, and Demons.
Human creativity is capable of much greater things. That is why Dohgons are gaining knowledge to increase our understanding of Life so that we can build a better interface for human cognition. We know that the Great Spirit that is the Universe is the creator and our Soul is experiencing a voluntary excursion into this hostile environment known as Life. We incarnated as Black people for a reason so to cop-out of this challenge is not an option. We know the truth of our existence so we will never deny our Afrakan identity and ancestry for unethical religious, political, economical, or cultural beliefs again. We will make Life a better place.
Afrakans Must Come Back To Life
Afrakans must come back to Life
This is not a message about false prophets doing fake healing. Also, it has nothing to do with medical phenomenon, mysticism or ideological beliefs that cling to people’s minds like diseases causing them to hate, discriminate, or kill others who do not agree with their ideologies. This message explains why Afrakans must shun the ideologies and spiritual beliefs that are serving to enslave our Souls for thousands of years and learn to recognize the elephant in the room, which is the Life Entity.
Before Afrakans were indoctrinated into believing in illusions of a supernatural being in the sky we believed in the energies in world around us. We believed in the Sun and the Moon, which provided light for the plants and trees to grow and bear fruit. We believed in the Thunder and the Lightning that brought Rain to fill the Rivers and Seas where Fishes multiplied in abundance.
In ancient times Afrakans knew they were a part of nature and that no part of nature was insignificant. We knew that we weren’t special, just different. Before we killed an animal for food we would ask the Great Spirit for forgiveness. That was because we knew that all things in nature also had a Soul and that bad karma would result when we disrespected the energies in nature.
Perhaps what we didn’t know back then was that the same energy that exists in nature is the same energy that exists in us. That energy is the Spirit of the Universe and it manipulates reality in many different ways. Spirit is the creator of Nature and Nature consists of living and non-living Matter. The living Matter is classified as Life and although it’s pretty obvious most humans don’t believe that Life is a single conscious entity. Instead, most people believe that they are separate from nature and that a god created humans to have dominion over nature and abuse it at their will.
The failure to recognize Life as a whole entity, compounded by the belief in (desire inducing) gods has only served to corrupt the psychology of Afrakans for thousands of years. Throughout that time Afrakans have severely abused nature and either killed, enslaved, and exploited each other because we covet the favor of our imaginary gods. It is only our survival instinct that is actively protecting us from total self-destruction.
We AfRAkans have unique survival instincts that have enabled us to survive the relentless abuse at the hands of unjust and unethical races of people. Our instincts enable us to compartmentalize trauma which protects our sanity. Unfortunately, we learned to adapt to the adversities of life by assimilating into foreign beliefs and customs. We became the best Christians. Muslims, and Jews by believing that Love could conquer hate. Unfortunately, most of us don’t realize that Conscience and Desire are the two major forces behind human nature.
Desire is the driving mechanism of Life while Conscience is a gift from the Great Spirit of the universe to help us control and regulate our Desires. Religions are only tools that group moral teachings into operating systems so that we can control the Desires of human nature more easily. Today, all religions have become corrupt catch 22 psychological traps in which our Desire have gained control of our minds. Now we believe that a god can make our lives better and that a paradise awaits us after death for being Faithful to that god.
In theory, the god concept is ingenious but in reality, it is incompatible with our true nature. Humans are susceptible to self-righteousness, which is a product of Desire and will always separate into groups based on Race, Culture, and Language. Inevitably, humans will judge others according to whom they feel are more deserving of the favor of their imaginary god. Religions comfort the Soul but not the Spirit. Fortunately, our Conscience will always try to rescue us from the pitfalls of our Desires.
Afrakans must come back to Life and recognize that all religions are tools designed to keep us subservient to other people and their beliefs. Choose Spirituality over religion which will increase your self-awareness and knowledge of the world around you. Most importantly, come back to Life by learning to love yourself again. In doing all these things Afrakans will learn to reclaim our pride, traditions, and cultures while shunning religions, cults, and foreign beliefs.
Increased knowledge also results in increased self-awareness so we will learn to think for ourselves again. That is why self-awareness is the base of the new Consciousness movement that is taking place on Social media and in many Afrakan communities in the diaspora and on the continent. Eventually, Afro consciousness will lead to the realization that all Afrakans are one and all Life is one. When we apply conscious thought to understand things we learn to respect Life in our daily pursuit of happiness.
Beware Of Organ Traffickers
In April of 2016 this picture appeared in the media showing the brutal end of life of a Somali mother, her two children, and an unrelated man. The picture only shows 4 of the 9 people discovered on a beach along Egypt’s north coast. All the victims, ranging from adult to less than 1 year old were discovered dead with crude stitching along their chests as if they had recently undergone autopsies. Official investigations revealed that all the victims vital organs were missing and that all were migrants trying to reach Europe only to end up victims of organ traffickers instead.
What would possess someone to kill children just to make money from their internal organs? The only answer is the Devil. The Devil exists in all humans and manifests itself when Desire operates outside the control of Conscience. There are two kinds of people in this world; moral and immoral. Moral people choose to let their conscience guide their actions while immoral people live openly according to the (action and consequence) laws of the society they live in.
So, can we say moral people have a conscience and immoral people don’t? Not exactly. People choose to suppress their conscience depending on the circumstance. The perpetrators of this gruesome organ harvesting are most likely Arabs who would never kidnap and harvest the organs of fellow Arab children even though they could make more money doing so. They are morally bound to their race but immoral when it comes to the lives of AfRAkans.
Organ trafficking is a global underworld criminal enterprise. International laws forbid the sale of human organs however, due to enormous demand for human organs for medical transplants, criminals have developed lucrative underground systems to profit off illegal organ sales. They either convince people to sell their organs or they kidnap and kill people to harvest their organs. Some of the most lucrative organ markets in the Middle East are in Israel, Lebanon, and Egypt.
It is sad to see so many AfRakans trying to flee the richest continent on Earth. We know that that is also the work of the Devil because as they starve AfRakans out they are moving in to claim more and more land for what lies beneath. They claim to be morally superior but their actions betray them at every move. Immoral people are self righteous, favor of god coveting, racially biased scum who destroy Life for racial, economic, political, and religious ideologies. AfRakans, beware of organ traffickers who will kill you and sell your organs all because they have no respect for our race.
Dohgons, Einstein, and Gravitational Waves
This past week Scientists rejoiced after proving that Einstein was right about the existence of Gravitational Waves but Dohgons have known for centuries that all energy forms in the universe exist as waves. Why then does science attribute the knowledge of Gravitational waves to Einstein? There are two reasons for this. One reason is the belief that AfRAkan minds are too primitive to perceive a vision of the universe beyond gods and superstition. The other reason has to do with the scientific method of determining truth.
Dohgons Cosmogony states that the universe is a series of Time Bubbles. The Mother Time Bubble started when Pure Dark Energy Waves, which infinitely exist in the form of waves, Flux to form particles of matter. It is dissimilar to the Big Bang chaos theory of science and Professor MoMoh of the Dohgon University of Thought has calculated a formula for how abstract energy changes to physical matter which has nothing to do with E=MC2. Can we prove it? We will let time do that because we have a different outlook on human consciousness and what is actually driving it.
We know that every abstract energy form that affects physical matter exists as abstract waves. That goes for Gravity, Electricity, Magnetism, and most of the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum. We also know that in order for science to accept Dohgon truth it must be submitted as a (theory) with credentials to one or several scrutinizing scientific bodies. That is a way of ensuring that only people within recognized scientific circles get credited with making “so called” discoveries.
We know that they have been stealing and claiming discovery of information for thousands of years. AfRAkans are not mad at science for claiming discovery of Gravitational Waves though, because we know that human consciousness is being driven by two instincts; survival and universal awareness. There are some humans whose minds are receptive to deciphering information coming directly from Pure Dark Energy Waves and there are some whose minds are blocked so they “discover” things.
Why The Suicide Mission To Mars?
By now most people have heard about the one-way mission to the planet Mars that is currently deep in its execution stage. The mission, planned by a private European space agency, aims to put a small team of explorers on Mars by the year 2025 with subsequent additional missions in intervals of 5 to 6 years. The most shocking aspect of the mission is that the participants/explorers will not return. They will travel to Mars, set up a colony, do and be a part of numerous experiments, and of course die there.
One would probable think that with such a gloomy way to end one’s life there would be no one willing to go on the suicide mission but thousands of people have signed up. So, why the suicide mission to Mars? The short answer is that human space exploration is inevitable. Life is on a mission and it operates through humans using two main mechanisms, curiosity and risk. The funny thing is, humans involuntarily carry out those directives with an illusion of choice. It has been this way for thousands of years ever since humanity transitioned from an Animistic state of being due to unaccountable behavior and began to lose connection to the Spirit of the universe.
Animism is a condition where Life is content and functions in accord with Nature. Professor MoMoh explains that at a certain time in AfRAkan history we began to produce genetically different humans because of unaccountable behavior. Then we drove those humans out of AfRAka because we could not accept their differences. When humans are faced with adversity we become discontented and irrational. Prolonged conditions of fear produces further unaccountable behavior and a self preservation mind state.
The Planet is now entering the Age of Aquarius and Life on Earth is at risk but Life is the most resilient force in the universe. Life will always find a way to survive which is why it manipulates aspects of itself to seek happiness through Curiosity and Risk. Humans will inadvertently assist Life through an illusion of choice. In that way, the suicide mission to Mars will not be a mission to find a way to move Life to Mars. The process will facilitate new technology that will enable Life to survive and thrive off planet. Enjoy the ride.