Tag Archives: abortion
Black Consciousness Does Not Endorse Abortion

Black Consciousness does not endorse Abortion; at least not our version of Black Consciousness. We live by the principles of the HERU Interface therefore we are not influenced by the opinions and ideologies of popular culture in our assessment that most Abortions stem from unaccountable humanist ideologies therefore their presence in society only serve as an unethical corrupter of the life process. With that said; we are not anti-abortion for the same reasons as most conservatives and Pro-Lifers.
The move by the Alabama senate to criminalize Abortions in the state has set off a huge firestorm of controversy. Human and Women’s Rights organizations along with numerous politicians and civil rights leaders are gearing up for a war against the conservative leaders of Alabama who bullied the Bill into Law. However, Alabama’s law makers are not scared of the coming war and are boldly stating that it’s just the first move in their intentions of having the Supreme court overturn the nearly 50-year-old Roe vs Wade ruling that saw Abortion legalized in the first place.
The HERU Interface does not endorse Abortion because Abortion should be an act of conscience, not an act of an unconscious mind that functions outside of accountability. Of course, there are circumstances in which Abortion should completely be acceptable such as in the cases of Incest and Rape but again, if everyone operated according to the principles of the HERU Interface those deranged byproducts of Desire Dependency wouldn’t exist. Other instances would also include risk to the physical health to the mother or stillbirth in which a Fetus dies in the womb.
Aside from rape and incest, 99% of unwanted pregnancies are the result of carefree people. Some men make it a duty to seduce insecure women into having unprotected sex. Some women don`t care about having unprotected sex because they feel that the option of Abortion is available. People in relationships get Abortions when they get pregnant unexpectedly or when they just can’t afford to care for another child. The result is that society has become completely desensitized to the thought and process of having an Abortion. They see the destruction of a lifeform as just an expensive nuisance that they might have to deal with in their pursuit of happiness.
The HERU Interface recognizes Life as being a single conscious entity. This entity is infinitely diverse and ranges from single Cell organisms to the most complex creature we know, which is ourselves. We also recognize that Life is on a quest to achieve universal awareness using mechanisms based on instinct and Desire. Desire manifests itself in humans in many ways, one of which results in reproduction. Humans have the ability to manage our Desires using our Conscience.
Conscience is a force that is generated by the Great Spirit of the universe acting on our Souls. Conscience acts to develop conscious thought which in turn regulates our Desires. In essence, Conscience is a safety-net that protects Life from itself. Unfortunately, Conscience can also be suppressed by Ideology to encourage people to believe that the immoral and unethical things they engage in are no body’s business but their own, as their happiness is all that counts.
The opinion that Humans have the right to do anything they want is a justifiable belief. Life does not care what humans do as long as we feed Life’s prerogative to learn and grow towards universal awareness. Therefore, Life will take us in any unethical or destructive direction we want to go until death exhausts us. At which point Life will simple recycle and start over. Our conscience is different from Life just like our Mind is separate from our Brain. Our Conscience encourages us to think over the magnetic propensities of our instincts therefore, Conscience is a regulator of our instincts.
Religious conservatives and pro-lifers are using their humanist consciences to block Abortion in society however, their actions are based on a belief that they are pleasing a god. The HERU Interface believes in no such being. We don’t do what’s right in order to receive a reward because the Great Spirit does not require anything from us but understanding. We recognize that Life can be steered in a different direction than the one the rest of humanity is steering it. All we have to do is continue to provide a better option and Life will soon abandon those who continue to destroy it unnecessarily.