Nuclear Powered Demagogues

Being true to his nature, Trump selfishly forged ahead and met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un on talks to denuclearize the Korean peninsula. “It was a meeting of great substance that only I could have achieved”, he boldly proclaimed to the world. His haters and political opponents quickly flew into a frenzy to point out that Trump is a hypocrite for making friends with a dictator while he goes about alienating America’s historical allies. Trump couldn’t care less about what people think because he is a demagogue but Life doesn’t mind at all.
Life is a single conscious entity. It’s #1 prerogative is to survive and thrive at all costs. Its #2 prerogative is to achieve universal awareness. In order to achieve universal awareness Life uses mechanisms to drive the consciousnesses of its creations. The key mechanism in humans is Desire. We desire happiness, fame and fortune, power and influence, and most of all, to live forever. Once you understand the mechanisms of Life you can manipulate humanity. Fortunately, most people including Trump and Kim Jong do not.
Both Trump and Kim Jong Un’s #1 Desire is great power. Unfortunately, their powers are limited and dependent on the size of the political and economic structures under their control. Once they reach the limits of their power they will default into Survival mode, which is also a mechanism of Life. Once in survival mode they will compromise their power in order to survive.
The essence of Trump’s power is America’s vast economic and military might, which is the largest in the world. It got to that state largely due to Globalization, which is an economic system in which the government used trade to build the wealth of American businesses worldwide. Other countries are induced into opening their economies to cheap labor for high profit. Countries that resist see their governments overthrown through covert measures and military intimidation or direct intervention when things get out of hand.
The essence of Kim Jong Un’s power is the psychological indoctrination of his people into believing that he is a living god. It is a mental condition that has existed within North Korea for several generations. The tactics of such brainwashing include; limiting outside access while controling the education and media. Over time the population became brainwashed into believing that the Kim family has supernatural powers. In such a mental state people individually and collectively work to carry out the will of their leader for fear of retribution.
God-complex a is a mental disorder that many leaders throughout history have died defending. However, leaders who are not completely suicidal recognize the limits of their powers and will work to enhance it by employing the full human resource of their country. It is well known that North Korea is so economically deprived that people face starvation on a daily basis however, North Korea has managed to build one of the largest militaries in the world, all in defense of Kim Jong Un’s legacy.
Even with all that power at his disposal, Kim Jong Un still knows that he is not powerful enough to display enough god-like power to scare his enemies therefore he has defaulted to survival mode. Trump, on the other hand is growing more and more powerful every day. So much so that many believe that he is becoming a threat to the political stability of the planet. Life takes risks by allowing humans to fulfill their deepest Desires but Life will always defaults to survival mode under threats of total annihilation.
How will Life correct a demagogue like Trump? The only balance to Desire is Conscience. If Life cannot reach his conscience to force him to recognize his unethical ways it will raise the conscience of people around him to act to stop him. It could be a limiting of his powers through the upcoming mid-term elections or impeachment if enough of his fellow Republicans do a 180 in their partisan support.