Most Creation Stories are Nonsense

afrakanA Zimbabwean Spiritualist recently declared that it was time for him to reveal a big secret about the creation of the world. He stated that in the beginning, in the region of Ethiopia, God decided to create 3 Races of people; Whites, Arabs, and Blacks. Each race was agreed to rule the world for a period of time in rotation. The Whites ruled first then the Arabs then the Blacks. During the time of Black rule, the world experienced so much peace and prosperity that the other races got jealous and decided to end Black rule before our time was over.

The White and Arab races got together in secret and unleashed genocide on the Black race. They killed all Black people except a mother and her two children; a boy and a girl. The mother and children escaped into the region of Zimbabwe where they hid inside a cave for a very long time. While inside the cave they engaged in incestuous practices which repopulated the Black race. While inside the cave they also discovered the largest source of Gold in the world. The Black race used the Gold to rebuild our wealth and we began to prosper again.

Thousands of years later the other races noticed the prosperity of the Black race so they decided to finish the job they started and get rid of us once and for all. They came very friendly but after discovering the cave where our Gold was being mined they began to kill us again. They fought very fiercely and took over Zimbabwe but they couldn’t kill off Black people so they enslaved us instead. They renamed the country Rhodesia and named the mine, King Solomon’s Mine. Black people lived under oppression until Robert Mugabe took Zimbabwe back from them but the war to exterminate the Black race is still going on.    

First of all, no disrespect to those who trust and believe in the traditional Creation stories of their Ancestors. Those stories are very important in expanding the imagination of children however, when we grow up and acquire knowledge about the world around us, we need to step up our game and come up with more Creation stories about life and why we exist.

All indigenous people around the world have their own creation stories. The Aboriginals of Australia have their own Creation stories. New Zealanders and other South Pacific people have their own Creation story. Native Americans have their own Creation stories, and so do Asians and so on. Of course, Africans can claim to have the original Creation story because science has come to a consensus that Africans were the first humans but whatever Creation story we invent must always be based on Ethics.

Unfortunately, the Creation story that this Zimbabwean Spiritual medium describes is not very at all. It tears at the fabric of and disrespects the true nature of the Universe. It’s no different from the Creation story of Europeans and their Bible because it describes a being (God) that creates other beings for his own amusement without considering the consequences. Before this so-called God created the 3 Races, did he not know that conflict would arise between the Races?

Instead of being ruled by the circumstance of our existence, we must begin to turn the tide and take control of our own destiny. We need to learn how to extract from the things that we rely on for personal comfort but never advance us or provide protection from the inequities of life. For instance; what is “ruling” and why do people need to “Rule”? This is an unethical concept that originates from the that humans need to be herded like cattle for our own safety and protection against outside forces.

The Zimbabwean spiritualist states that Africans are being killed because of the Gold we own. Why are we so fascinated with Gold? Why can’t we see that Gold is simply a shiny non-corrosive metal that provides pleasure to our Sense of Sight. Things that provide pleasure to our Senses can make us Desire Dependent when we become obsessed by them. The truth is that other races don’t fight us because of our Gold; they fight us because they Desire to rule everything that they can use to enrich themselves. Those things could be the land, water, air, food, or our labor.

afrakanHow do we know that most Creation stories from religious people and mystics are nonsense? We know that most Creation stories are nonsense because we understand human psychology. There are three key elements that every fake Creation story possesses. The first thing is that every author of a creation story inserts themselves as the “chosen” people of the story. The second thing is that there is always a promise of riches in exchange for loyalty and obedience to a god. And the third thing is that people always want to live forever.

The Great Spirit that is the Universe is not a God. That is why all so-called spiritual mediums have such a hard time deciphering . They all fail to understand how was created so they attribute creation to the work of a god. They also believe that their god wants praise for creating the world so they view every Desirable thing in the world as a gift and a commodity. That is why they view Gold as being a gift that everyone will fight for. They don’t realize that Carbon, which is the dullest and blackest element, is really the most valuable substance on Earth.  

Life was not created by a god; Life was created by the Great Spirit that is the Universe, which is a Mind. Humans were also created by the Great Spirit as a way of experiencing its own creation. In the process, the energy of the Great Spirit generates a lesser Spirit inside every creature it creates. That energy begins as a before it matures into a Spirit. Every has independent thought but is connected to every other Life as part of a collective consciousness.

That means that Life is a conscious entity similar to the Great Spirit. The difference between the Life entity and the Great Spirit is Life is conscious but lacks universal awareness, therefore it is using every living creature, including humans as tools to gain knowledge. Life also cannot create new Life; it can only work with what has already been created and corrupt it even more using its various mechanisms. For this reason, Life does not care how we are born as long as it can extract knowledge from our existence.  

The mechanisms that Life uses are responsible for corrupting existence as we know it. The primary mechanism that Life uses is Desire. The process happens inside our Brain and involves a Craving and a Chemical reward in the form of Dopamine. In other words, Life targets our Senses in order to encourage us to pursue pleasure; better known as Desire. Unfortunately, our Desires can lead us into Addiction. That is why money is not the root of evil; the Love of money is the root of evil. Gold is simply a shiny metal that we have placed a value on and now fight over because it is Desirable.  

afrakanWhy doesn’t the Great Spirit intervene and correct Life before Life destroys itself? The short answer is, it is. The Great Spirit operates in Life as our Conscience. Do you hate evil, corruption and inequity? Do you wish that life was a better place to exist? If so, then the Great Spirit is working through you to do something to correct Life. Do not be weak by giving up and accepting evil into your life like all those people who have turned to worshiping demons. Take inspiration from the principles of the HERU Interface and develop your own Ethical Spiritual beliefs.

Creation stories have a purpose. They are either designed to provide answers to the numerous questions people have about Life or they are designed to make those who create them believe that they are a part of an exclusive and important community of people. Unfortunately, most creation stories are unethical or do not make sense so before you believe anyone’s account of the creation of the world, use your Common Sense and ask how that Creation story resulted in the world as it is now.

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