Hate is a Form of Happiness

They say hate is the opposite of love but that’s not true; hate is actually a form of happiness. This statement can be validated by the universal truism, “people love to hate”. Love itself is the epitome of happiness and not a polar attribute of human behavior. The only two polar attributes of human behavior are Conscience and .

There were numerous incidents in the news this past week that support my belief that hate is a form of happiness but I will focus on just two in particular. The first incident involved the voting in of the first Black female Supreme Court Judge in American history. Republican Senators tried their darndest to block her appointment from the very moment her name came up as a candidate and there are only two reasons why.

The two reason why Republicans hate Ketanji Brown-Jackson is because she is Black and she is not a conscious supporter of white supremacy. She does unconsciously support white supremacy but that is a topic for a separate discussion. You could actually see the hate bubbling up in Republican Senator’s faces like pimples and hear the poisonous venom in their speeches and comments.

If you don’t live in an environment of racial hate, it might make you wonder how people can maintain such hate. You might even believe within yourself that such behavior is making those people sick but when you think about the hundreds of years and generations of hate that they have maintained then you will understand that, to them, hate has become a form of happiness.

The second incident that supports my belief that hate is a form of happiness is the killing of Ukrainian civilians by Russian troops. I promised myself that I wouldn’t write about the Russia- war anymore because there is no benefit for Black people except to learn about human nature. Unfortunately, most Black people are too busy trying to survive than to worry about the risks we have to endure in foreign lands and against White, Arab, and Asian supremacists.

The result is that we get trapped by adopting the ideologies other Races indoctrinate us with and that they project into the world. Now I see Black people trying to defend Russia because of the personal hate they harbor for White America. have been oppressing us so long that of course our hate for them is justified. Unfortunately, Russia “sticking it to the American Empire” by way of annexing is a form of Black happiness that we somehow believe will benefit us in the long run.

Let’s analyze the of the Russia war. The Russian narrative in the war is that they are trying to defend themselves against American and Western aggression. They say they don’t want to join NATO because it would allow America to place their military closer to the Russian border, which is an existential threat. Nonsense! Russia is the largest country in the world but unfortunately, they are far from being the most economically prosperous.

There are only two reasons why Russia fears American and none involve military power. The is that Russia only fears America culturally and economically. America’s greatest economic resource is Technology, which they export to foreign lands through business development. Setting up businesses in foreign lands has the residual effect of influencing the culture of those regions. Eventually, the people of those regions become open to the idea of “pursuing individual happiness” instead of being subjected to government regulated Socialism or Dictatorship.

The real question we should all be pondering before we choose sides in other people’s conflicts is how will being happy for one side or the other rest with our Conscience. If we to keep using hate as a form of happiness then we will only continue to dwell in the same pit as the in black and white face who permeate American politics. That doesn’t mean that we should forgive and forget as their religions tells us to do but they don’t do, it simply means that we should focus on more conscientious ways of generating happiness.

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