Afrakan Professor Discovers Formula for Creation

professor momoh

Ever wondered how the come into existence? There are two popular answers to that question based on religion and science. The first answer is that the was created by a god a few thousand years ago and the second is that pressurized hot gas exloded with a “Big Bang” and over billions of years of chance, the evolved into what it is now.

Unfortunately, those explanations lack credibility because no one knows who or what god is and the Big Bang still remains a theory. According to an Professor, both stories are wrong because he can explain the true of the universe using the Dohgon formula for .

About 10 years ago I met an who claimed to “know everything”. I was skeptical because I know that opinions of oneself are subjective. However, in learning from him I grew to understand that his opinion of himself was based on the insight of a brilliant mind. The individual I’m referring to is none other than Professor Momoh of the Dohgon University of Thought.

Professor MOmOh is a Mathematician and a Cosmogony and Neurology expert who can explain the workings of the heavens as well as the workings of the chemical process of the human Brain. He descends from the Dohgon (Dogon) people of Mali, West Afraka, a very secretive tribe of people who are proven to possess detailed knowledge of the Stars long before European Astronomers.

Professor MOmOh teaches that the author of is abstract Pure Dark Energy Waves (PDEW), which is the net that forms the foundation of the universe. Known characteristics of this net are Electricity, Gravity, and Magnetism. Gravity is too obscure for most people to understand and Electricity is too dangerous for regular folk to experiment with.

Magnetism, on the other hand, is perfect as most people have handled a magnet at some time in their life. For example; when metal filings are sprinkled on a sheet of paper and a Magnet is passed underneath, the metal filings will arrange themselves in circlular patterns. That is because the the metal filings are being manipulated by the abstract energy waves that are produced by the Magnet.

We cannot see energy but we know energy exists because of its affect on physical matter. Professor MOmOh says that energy can transform into physical matter through a process and that process is how the universe was created. The billion dollar question is how does abstract PDEWs transform into physical matter?

Professor MOmOh has defined the formula for matter creation as PE(Pure Energy)=1-2-3-4  9-8  27  99-100. This formula is strange but it is based on the fact that PDEWs have different wavelengths. Each number represents a different wavelength; therefore, this formula lays out the process in which PDEWs must go through a permutation process to create particles of matter.

In the process, PDEWs or cut into half waves until combine to form Hadron particles then Atoms. The Big Bang that science theorizes is simply one instance of the process because, contrary to popular belief, the process has never stopped. It is happening inside the core of every Star in the universe right now below the level of Nuclear Fusion.

This is also why the theory that matter cannot be created or destroyed is also wrong. Stars are the entrance to the physical realm and Black Holes are the exits back to the abstract Pure Dark Energy realm. For a deeper understanding of the Formula for Creation, please visit the Dohgon University of Thought. 

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Kelli Fisher
Kelli Fisher
May 14, 2021 7:07 am

I used to patronize Dr. mOhmOh’s platform years ago and his site’s no longer up. Would you happen to know whatever happened to him?

Idris Ali
Idris Ali
February 19, 2022 2:17 am
Reply to  carbon060

Any new on the Professor been looking for him for awhile now.

March 6, 2023 11:57 pm
Reply to  Kelli Fisher

IMHOTEP BRTHR, Also been looking to contact Professor MOhmOh , he was mentioning going to Sierra Leon but don’t know if he made it back or what the update is + also looking to connect with more BRTHR and SSTRS from the DOHGON as I was initial initiated back in 2012

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